Thursday, October 1, 2009

Quick Post

So I have my renal exam in about 9 hours, so this will be a quick post, but I wanted to link to this article in the Houston Chronicle about the Rice-Baylor merger talks. I went to one of the town hall meetings that our president gave, and it was very interesting. Pretty soon I could be attending Baylor College of Medicine at Rice University.

Also, I am posting this from the "business center" at our apartment, because our internet has been down since Monday. Living without internet is terrible. However, this week, it turned out to be a great thing. I found that while studing in the apartment with no internet to distract me, I am much more productive! I think even after it is fixed, I will be shutting off the modem and router (which are downstairs), and then going up to the loft to study.

AT&T has decided that their lines are fine and told me that most likely the DSL modem that they gave me for free on sign up is broken. Oh well.


Bryan said...

There is no upside to living without internet. Indeed, it is impossible. Internet is a prerequisite to "living". Studying must always come second.

Btw, I passed my bar. How do I know? THE INTERNET.

Keith said...

Congratulations on passing the bar. Seems like it was probably a good thing to do. Yeah it is terrible. Even Lisa is fed up with it after just three days, and i think we are going to have to go out and buy a more expensive modem in a store so we can have it right away.

BTW, new modems are expensive! I am going to call Motorolla and see if they will replace this one, even though it is just out of warranty. Apparently, lots of people online complain of this modem overheating and dying in just over a year. And yet, AT&T only supports this one, and a $100 2wire modem. Oh well. Must have internet.