Saturday, October 10, 2009


Well my AT&T saga took a few more twists and turns, but I think it ended up well. I decided that I didn't want to pay $80-100 for a new AT&T approved modem that would probably overheat and die in a year again, so I called AT&T with the goal of arguing them into giving me a free modem. I was on the phone for 2 hours, and was transferred to 6 different departments before ending up at Retention, which is the place you want to be. The conversation each time involved me saying my story, and that I wanted a new modem, the person responding that they didn't have the authority to do that at this department, but that the ___ department did, and they would transfer me over there. Each time the next department would say that they in fact didn't have any authority, and finally the person in Orders knew I needed to go to Retention.

Retention is the magical department where they have the authority to give free upgrades to people who are trying to quit their AT&T service. I told my story, and the guy told me that he would send me a free modem, or i could upgrade to U-verse internet for the same monthly fee, which would also up my speed from 3 to 6 Mbps. Also, he waived the installation fee and the U-verse box comes at no charge, so i didn't have do pay anything. So two hours of complaining got me double the internet speed for nothing... not bad. They came out on Thursday, a week and a half after my internet first went out, which is WAY too long to go without internet.

In medical school news, we just finished respiratory and renal exams, which went well. Now i have had 1 week of classes of our new block which covers GI and "hard and soft tissues." The hard and soft tissues course is a combination of dermatology, rheumatology, and bone diseases. GI has been surprisingly interesting so far, and dermatology has been predictably boring.


Philip said...

Did you get to freeze off kids warts in dermatology? I assume that's mainly what you would do.

Cliff Mulder said...

It probably included botox injections too
