Sunday, October 11, 2009


I recently read an article about the Kindle which got me thinking that it could be a good Christmas present. Especially since the next Wheel of Time book is coming out this October!!! The author who is taking over the series has decided to break the last book into three smaller books (thank God) with the first coming out on the 27th this month. I thought it would be neat to have a Kindle, where I could get the whole series on one device and maybe start doing a read through of the series.

However, I noticed that the Kindle store has no Robert Jordan books at all! In fact, I also discovered that none of the Harry Potter books or LOTR books are available for Kindle either. I thought by now that Kindle's library would include such popular novels, but I guess not. I know that in Harry Potter's case, the lack of e-book format has something to do with JK Rowling being against electronic publishing for some reason. I am just worried that if books like these haven't been converted over yet, then there are probably going to be other titles that i can't find for it. And while the price has dropped to $260, that is still a lot to pay for a device that can't display all the books I want to read on it.


Philip said...

It's books like LOTR, WOT, and Harry Potter that I would most want on the kindle! It'd be much better to carry around a relatively light kindle instead of the 600+ page behemoths that are our beloved fantasy series. It's big books like those that most need to be on the kindle.

Jess said...

There was actually just an announcement that all the Jordan books will be coming to Kindle. See here. Unfortunately, they seem to be rolling them out 1 per month in chronological order, so it doesn't look like Gathering Storm will be coming out day and date in ebook format.

It's one of those things that's getting better over time, but isn't quite there yet. Jessie's pretty happy with hers though.

Keith said...

Thanks for the link Bryan, but why are you posting under Jessie's name?