Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Med school is hard

I haven't posted in a while, which is because medical school is crazy! I really enjoy the material that we are covering, but the pace at which we move is nothing less than blisteringly fast. Luckily, everyone I know feels hopelessly behind all the time, so it must work out in the end somehow.

Lisa started teaching this week, and so far it seems like it is going well. However, Lisa has had quite a bit of adjusting to do. Texas and Michigan have different systems for special ed, and Lisa's school is a bit different as well. The school is "open concept", which means that there are no walls between the classrooms. I guess it is supposed to foster a collaborative teaching environment, but with special ed students it can be a huge distraction.

Hopefully I can post more this weekend, but right now I have to study!

1 comment:

Bryan said...

"Open concept" sounds like the worst idea in the history of bad ideas. All Education PhDs should be shot.