Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving in Texas

Our Thanksgiving break has been great! Sara came down on Monday night, and we put on a Thanksgiving day feast for three. We weren't entirely sure how much food we were making, but it turns out there was tons! We probably could have fed 9 or 10 people if we had a slightly larger turkey. You can see all of our pictures by going to the my photos link on the right.

On Friday, we went to go get a tree, although in Houston that means picking out a pre-cut one at Home Depot. Still on the agenda is the Ballet tonight, and lots more studying for me.

I am in the home stretch now for my pre-clinical curriculum. I will be totally done in less than three weeks now! I took endocrine and GU/GYN exams last week, and now we have two weeks of classes left for genetics and something called ARTS, which is geriatrics and pediatrics... I think. The third week is for the genetics exam, the ARTS exam, the PPS exam (over physical exam stuff), and then finally on Friday the end of basic sciences exam. That test is a standardized exam that covers all of the things we learned in last 1.5 years. It is made by the same people who make the STEP 1 boards, and it is meant to be used as a pretest. It doesn't affect our grade at all, but we have to pass it to go onto clinics. Oh and during the second week of the genetics/ARTS classes I have my PPS practical exam with standardized patients. So it will be a very busy three weeks, but after that I will never be a full time "classroom" student again.


Cliff Mulder said...

Oh my gosh you guys, your feast looked fabulous! It's always hard for me to judge how much food to make, depends on how much you want for leftovers, but I always make waaaaay too much!
And your tree!!!!! Beautiful! I can see the snowmen ornaments we got you on there! Next year, we'll have to see it in person! How cool that Sara could be there to do all that traditional stuff with you!!!
I'm sure you had such a great time
great memories!! Love, MOM

Philip said...

Once your no longer a full time classroom student, do you get to start working for hours on end at a hospital for minimum wage?

Keith said...

Actually Phil, for the next 2.5 years I get to pay for the privilege of working for hours on end in the hospital. After that I get 5-6 years of minimum wage pay. Very exciting.