Sunday, November 15, 2009

Brussel Sprouts

As I was reviewing a pathology lecture about thyroid diseases, I found out why I hate brussel sprouts. Apparently spouts and other cruciferous vegetables are goitrogens, that is they contain compounds that interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis. Now theoretically this is only an issue in places with endemic goiters, but I am not going to take any chances. No sprouts for me!


Cliff Mulder said...

Glad to know you aren't taking any chances with your health.

Laurel said...

Mom wanted to make brussel sprouts for thanksgiving. maybe this will convince her not to do so.

Jess said...

I'm a big fan of personal cabbages (as Emily calls them). I hope mom does make them for Thanksgiving. Jessie and I ate them two nights this week already!
