Sunday, March 1, 2009

A long time ago, in a state far far away

I noticed that Bryan was lamenting on his blog about how he only managed to post four times in February, and then I realized that I only posted once! I actually have had things to talk about, but my most recent round of exams were so hard I didn't even have time to procrastinate very much.

Since the beginning of January we have been in been in Block 4, which contains pathology, pharmacology, head and neck anatomy, and immunology. Path and pharm were not so bad, but head and neck had a lot to memorize, and immunology was the hardest subject we have had so far at Baylor.

With head and neck anatomy we finished up all of our pre-clinical anatomy classes. I am very surprised at how much I enjoyed anatomy. I came in thinking I wouldn't like it very much, and it turned out to be my favorite subject so far. Whether or not this means that I will enjoy a speciality that uses lots of anatomy (surgery, radiology) remains to be seen.

Earlier in February my mom was down in Houston helping Noni and Popi come down for the winter season (or at least the second half of it). We went to a Houston Symphony concert featuring the music of John Williams, which turned out to be a very well put together event. They played music from Jaws, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, and lots from Star Wars. Apparently the theme music for the NBC nightly news was also written by John Williams and is a stand alone piece. Throughout the concert, they had various Star Wars characters come out do silly things, like Darth Vader stealing the baton and conducting for a while. Afterwards the characters were in the lobby, as can be seen by my poor cell phone pictures.

In other news, Lisa has to give her kids the Texas state assessment test this week, and she has been working had to make sure that as few of them fail as possible. I remember taking the MEAP every few years or so, and it was never as big a deal as these state tests are here.

Hopefully I'll be able to keep up better as I start block 5 this Monday. Many older students tell us that block 5 is the best block in pre-clinicals, so I might have more time.


Philip said...

I'm sure we don't remember the stress of the MEAP tests as acutely because we weren't the teachers living through it. In third grade, I remember the principal would bring in snacks on test days, and that there was some special lady who came in just to teach us how to take standardized tests like the MEAP.

Ann said...

Keith I really enjoy reading about your progress. As I look back on my very limited medical education I realize what impressed me most was the intracacy of the human body and the interdependency of the systems. As the Psalmist said "we are truly wonderfully made"