Friday, March 27, 2009


Today I finally finished collecting all 120 stars in Super Mario Galaxy. Technically I could go on to collect them all again playing as Luigi, but I feel like this is a good place to stop. It took me quite a while to get those last couple stars, mainly because I had not played much since mid February when I started studying for block four exams.

I would say Galaxy that it is the best Mario game of all time, hands down. I found the game easy in some parts, but thoroughly challenging in others. However, unlike some of the other Mario games, I never felt like the platformer "jumping" puzzles were an exercise in futility. I always was able to get the star and move on after a solid effort, which made the game very fun. I think the next game on my list is Metal Gear Solid 4, then either GTA 4 or Metroid after that. I also want to get and play Resident Evil 5, even though some reviews have said it is good, but not great. I really enjoyed the last one, and I trust Brad Shoemaker's review more than most other sites anyway.


Bryan said...

Congrats. Best Mario game of all time though? That's a pretty strong claim. There was no Kuribo's Shoe in this one, after all.

As for RE5, remember one of the nifty things about your PS3s is that you can download demos. If you try the RE5 demo, you'll know pretty quickly if it's for you or not.

Philip said...

Yeah, still working on Resident Evil Wii. My problem with survivor thrillers like RE5 is that they are physically and mentally taxing, especially when actually standing and shooting with the wiimote. If I want to just wind down, I often find that playing Resident Evil is simply too stressful.