Friday, May 22, 2009

White is not my color

Lisa and I are going to get some new clothes this weekend as we pass by a big outlet mall on our way to San Antonio. Earlier, we were talking about the trip to Disney this summer, and I realized that I might need some new clothes to wear in the scorching Orlando heat. I looked through the drawer of t-shirts I wear to exercise, and I found a bunch of white shirts that I have had forever. Out of curiosity, I looked up pictures of Disney 2004, and I have all of the same shirts!!!

I still have every single one of those shirts, and the swimming suit in the last picture is still my main suit. This tells me that not only have I not grown an inch since well before I was 18, I must not wear these shirts very often or they would have disintegrated by now.

I show Lisa these shirts, and she tells me I can not wear them to Disney 2009. I say this is crazy. I never wear white shirts, so it would make no sense to buy more. Also, who cares if I am wearing old shirts when everyone is going to be sweating and running around all day anyway? Weigh in on this important topic! Should I be allowed to wear them or not?

To make this fair, Bryan and Phil's votes count double.


Jess said...

Lisa is totally right. You really need to buy some new clothes. You're becoming an adult. As an adult, you really need a new and more sophisticated Disney wardrobe.

Jeremy said...

I say you should keep them until they're yellow in the pits or have holes in them. However, it appears that part of being married involves surrendering control of the wardrobe I was so proud of as an 18-23 year old; Danielle has seized nearly twenty of my University of Michigan shirts and promised to make them into a quilt.

Bryan said...

Don't buy new shirts, that's dumb. I agree with all of your reasoning on why your old shirts are fine.

Wives are always trying to throw away perfectly good clothes for no reason. Jessie seems to think that my socks belong in the trash as soon as they have even a tiny hole. I think you can wear them until the hole is bigger than 1/2 of the surface area of the bottom, or until at least 3 toes are uncovered.

Cliff Mulder said...

This is a tough one Keith, but I vote for new shirts for three reasons:
1) They are cheap. I can get you a nice white T-shirt that says Raymond James for $3.60.
2)Mickey Mouse will know that you are wearing the same shirts. He may refuse to sign your autogragh book.
3) It will make your wife and your mom happy. In life it is important to do the simple things that keep your wife and mom off your back (pardon the pun).

Cliff Mulder said...

It's frugal and nostalgic of you to want to hang on to your white tees. Like Danielle, I say, if you have a sentimental attatchment to any of your shirts, get someone to make you a quilt or a pillow out of them. I say buy new ones that you'll actually wear other times as well. Shame on you for keeping good shirts that you hardly wear in a drawer somewhere. So go ahead and buy new shirts so you can create new memories AND so you can distinguish your disney trips. LOVE Mom

Philip said...

I must also vote that Keith not buy new shirts. If you have perfectly good shirts in your closet that you haven't worn, then it makes no sense to double the number of perfectly good shirts in your closet that you won't wear. Reuse your old shirts, and save money + time. Although, as Jeremy weighs in, if they are ripped to shreds or yellow in the armpits, it probably is time to get some new shirts.