Thursday, January 29, 2009

A matter of perspective

I noticed something funny today:

If you want to see the difference in editorial slant between the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, just read the articles I've linked to from each paper. They are both discussing the economic stimulus plan, and the ideas presented in each couldn't be more different.

Of course I have nothing of value to contribute to this economic debate, but then again most of the opinion articles I've read lately don't offer much either.


Bryan said...

The biggest thing that sticks out to me in there is where the WSJ criticizes funding for mass transit. They call it a "poor investment" because fares don't cover costs in urban transit programs. They then claim that democrats would only favor it because mass transit employees are unionized. You'd think that a WSJ editor would be more familiar with the concept of positive externalities.

Basically, you can tell it was written by someone who uses a car service every day. You don't hear him complaining about how roads don't directly pay for themselves.

Cliff Mulder said...

That is why I read both.

And don't forget about the insightful editorials from the Kalamazoo Gazette
