Saturday, April 18, 2009

Viral Videos

Mom noticed that when I posted pictures of the apartment before, I forgot to put up any good ones of the kitchen. So here are a few pictures showing the new space.

Despite the rest of our apartment being smaller than the last one, the kitchen is now bigger! Now when dishes are drying we still have enough counter room to cook.

Unfortunately, my tests have arrived and I am doomed to spend the next week and a half studying like a madman. Of course, anyone who knows how to study hard also knows how to procrastinate. So I offer this website I stumbled upon while browsing, a compilation of the 100 most iconic viral Internet videos. In case you aren't really up with the whole "Internet" thing, these will help give you a glimpse into its pop culture, and what a weird culture it is. I remember most of these videos by the year in college that they were made popular. I recommend:

1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, and 30.

If you can only watch one, the "David after dentist" came out at the beginning of this year and is quite funny. The commentary on this site for each video is good, as it explains why each one became popular and adds some extra insight. While each of these are kind of fun to watch the first time, I promise you that after everyone around you has been saying "charlie bit me" or "I like turtles" for a few weeks, they get old.

Ok back to the brain.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Simple Physics

I saw an interesting article (with videos) in the WSJ today about how small cars really do in crash tests against larger vehicles. Sub-compact cars like the Honda Fit, Toyota Yaris, and the Smart Car were tested against a full size sedan, in this case the Mercedes C class, Honda Accord, or Toyota Camry. The results are predictable for anyone who has taken high school physics, but were still visually amazing. This makes me wonder what happens when you put a mid sized sedan up against a full size SUV, which are ubiquitous in the city of Houston. So drive safe, or buy a bigger car!

Monday, April 13, 2009


We went to Mike and Linda's for Easter this year and had a great time. We got to see Nancy and Jason, and it was fun to spend a day out at the lake. We even got to color eggs, and continue one of my oldest traditions (mocking Phil via Easter egg).

Lisa was nice and hid candy filled eggs around the apartment while I slept in on Saturday, so even though it was my first Easter without a basket, it was still great.

I have one more week of class, then two weeks of exams including neuro, infectious disease, medical ethics, and behavioral sciences. Neuro has been a fun course. It is very visual with lots of pictures and pathways to memorize, and the clinical correlations are like solving puzzles. Infectious disease has been less fun. The material is interesting, but it is simply lists and lists of facts which is not much fun to learn. Next block we get to do more neuro and more ID, as well as a bigger section of behavioral sciences including psychiatric diseases, which should be interesting.