Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Time

Well I am now done with my GIMNER (GI, metabolism, nutrition, endocrinology, and reproductive) finals!!! I still have a cumulative final this Friday, but I have heard that it really is not too bad.

Lisa has been picking up the slack around the house, and she made these wonderful cookies while I stared at books all day.

We'll be back in MI in less than a week!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The new TV

I am writing a quick post in the midst of studying for my block three exam to show everyone the new TV!!! Oh and the Christmas tree too.
The TV is the same one Bryan bought this summer, the Samsung PN50A450. At 50 inches, it does look a tad over-sized as far as the decor of the apartment goes. However, last night Lisa and I watched Babel and it is simply incredible for watching movies.

Now that we also have a 750W Onkyo HTIB system for 5.1 surround, and I feel like our "apartment sized" home theater is well put together.

Today we turned the heat on for the first time, which was a wierd thing to do in Houston. It is supposed to be in the 70's next week, and I think that Lisa and I are in for a shock when we go home!

P.S. I've posted some pictures from a trip Lisa and I took to a farm on my Picasa site. The link is over on the right, "My Photos".

Monday, December 1, 2008

Black Mesa

I just saw this trailer for a fan made remake of Half-Life 1 using the source engine. I guess it has been in development for almost 4 years now, and the new trailer they just released looks amazing. It might be worth another play through the game (my 4th time?) Ignore the white space below; I'm too tired to figure out how to make it go away right now.

P.S. Our new TV comes Thursday, so I'll post pictures of the new home theater and our Christmas tree sometime after that